After more than 30 years of experience finding solutions for the transport, stock and dosage of diverse bulks materials on so many industrial fields, PROYING XXI ENGINEERING guarantees that he will find the solution adapted to the needs of the client, no matter if is in transport (belts, pneumatic slides, screws, elevators of different types, pneumatic transport of high or low density … etc.), stock with detachable silos or not, build with the right materials adapted to the use of every industry (with different systems of extraction that assure a bulk material extraction of the silos in safe and uniform way) or automatic / manual dosage plants, with equipment adapted to the needs of every client.
Our experience includes so many different industrial fields as the stone transport in quarries, the automatic dosage of majority and minority components in ceramic glazes…etc. We have realized systems of homogenization of materials in slopped layers with very different capacities, pneumatic transport equipment to feed other industrial equipments (in high or low density)
PROYING XXI ha finalizado con éxito la ejecución del proyecto “Desarrollo de una unidad piloto para la obtención de 1MW de aire caliente para el secado del alpeorujo con depuración de gases y partículas en suspensión” cuyo objetivo es la obtención de una corriente de combustión libre de monóxido de carbono y con una concentración inferior a 50 mg/Nm3 de partículas suspendidas. El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en las instalaciones de COINREF empresa colaboradora, entre Septiembre de 2018 y Septiembre de 2019, con un presupuesto total de 365.832 €, el cual ha sido cofinanciado por CDTI y FEDER